Salesforce is an Example of the Potential of Hardwork, How Will They Navigate the Challenges of 2023

Salesforce is an Example of the Potential of Hardwork, How Will They Navigate the Challenges of 2023

Salesforce captured my attention as I scrolled through my Google news feed. I don't normally entertain the news, yet as my development as a programmer grows, getting a feel for the culture of the business of tech is probably wise.

So getting my feet wet and getting to know my community, I read the story. TechCrunch ran down Salesforce's (Salesforce ends 2022 in an unusually turbulent position) decision of not to provide a revenue forecast for the next year.

It proceeded to mention other news about people stepping down from positions at Salesforce and other tech giants. And I started thinking, how did they get there?

Like me, like you, they made a decision to learn about computer programming. As the founders progressed in their skills they got an idea and started a start-up.

Full of hopes and dreams, coffee, and sleepless nights, they made a go of it. If you dream big and work hard things happen. I wonder if they ever thought of what they'd achieve through the years.

The biggest lesson I learned from this story was about growth. We start one way and can grow into whatever we put our minds to creating.

It's important to remember why you started and believe in yourself, because you may find yourself in places you never believed or imagined in your wildest dreams.

So having core principles to keep yourself from the seductive dangers of pride and material possessions is important, we can recover from crashing and burning, but why do it if we can grow and thrive?

I wish Salesforce the best, it'll be interesting to watch the dreams of the founders as they unfold in 2023.

With these words, I bid you...

Good night