The Importance of Foundational Learning
Deep learning is awesome! I dove into some HTML theory and got some understanding on the correct way to write code.
My original plan was to follow a tutorial and build some web pages. I wanted to get some supplemental coding done to reinforce the wonderful things I've been learning at I found an interesting video by Daniel Scott and this is where the detour began.
He suggested using Visual Studio Code to edit/write the website. I have an older Chromebook and getting some of these tools isn't compatible with my system, so I thought "maybe Google has an editor," and I found
Reading About HTML is Different Than Writing Code
I choose to do the HTML class instead and found a treasure chest of information. It literally felt like I found a textbook that answered questions I didn't know needed an explanation. As a self-taught coder, getting the formal and foundational framework of HTML and CSS has been challenging.
The challenge was:
Having a shit load of library books I want to finish reading, thus not getting my library hual of techie books on just yet
Being ignorant of the importance of writing proper code
Not knowing where to find the information, I utilize my library because it's in the budget and it's fuckin' cool
However, this morning has proven, the teacher shows up when the student is ready.
I learned about document structure, metadata and semantic HTML. They broke down the history behind the character set utf-8, why we specify the document type(HTML) and everything that goes in the tag, without skipping details.
Then it went a step further and broke down the reasoning, history and reasoning of each attribute used with the heading meta tags. I feel blessed and much more capable of writing solid professional code, at a beginner level, but really getting my roots firmly planted.
Upcoming Online Conferences
In addition to finding all these jewels of important information, I was introduced to some conferences that look interesting, Google Cloud Next and PWA Summit.
I am excited about the Next joint, I can't imagine Google doing anything half-ass. I am looking forward to the experience and information.
The PWA Summit seems a bit dry, but has some interesting break-out topics. I want to make my websites dynamic and they are advertising the solution.
Now I Have a Question
Is a formal education in computer science necessary? If everything is already online, what are the benefits of going to university and getting into a shitload of debt?
I'll look at these topics at another time.
with all this being said, I bid you...
Good night