3 Good Articles on Web Development Worth Reading

3 Good Articles on Web Development Worth Reading

Article One

Wisdom is a quality I admire. I appreciate how much depth and knowledge is operating when it presents itself. One sentence from a wise person, can help you build a good life. And many times, the simplicity of wisdom is laughed away, because it's ease seems ridiculous.

I read one of those rare pieces of wisdom this morning. Tapajyoti Bose so eloquently wrote words that can improve your outlook about development.

"25 Tips I Wish I Knew Before I to Code," is so simple that you'll miss it's beauty if you aren't paying attention.

Article Two

This article has an interesting perspective by Abhiraj Bhowmick.. Now I am really considering Python, after I get much more proficient with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, of course.

It seems to be a great place to begin my backend learning. I especially appreciated the web resources link he included.

Article Three

Last but not least, this cleaver piece by Ashwin Bhargava. He defends JavaScript. JavaScript is Not Weird. You are. This is a beautiful love story.


These are my humble opinions. From the perspective of a "newbie."