Two Helpful CSS Flexbox and Flexgrid Videos
Beginner/Intermediate Level Videos That offer Insight and How-To Knowledge
I started my weekend with two great videos. Traversy Media did both, he did some very helpful and informative videos on CSS Flexbox and Flexgrid.
I chose these videos because I want a more proficient understanding of both functions. I've been learning code for about 3 or 4 months now(though it seems a bit longer). My main source of knowledge has been freeCodeCamp. It's an exceptional program.
Thus far the only solo projects I've done are two websites for local businesses. It was exciting designing websites for businesses that didn't have them and me not having any experience building websites. I just picked some pre-designed themes and came up with original copywriting.
Even this was an arduous process for me. I've done my own personal websites(with blogger and WordPress), but I knew what I wanted. I was surprised by how daunting it would be to do this type of work for others. Now that I've learned a bit, I'll definitely approach this process differently.
Anyway, with that being said, Flexbox and Flexgrid are new concepts to me. But they are very important for designing websites. It gives them a professional look and feel that premade wireframes and drag and drop sources are unable to achieve.
and this one...
This knowledge will allow me to arrange information on a webpage with only my imagination being the limit. The entire functioning of the internet is predicated on the visual arrangement of material on a screen.
With these words, I bid you...
Good night